Monday, December 6, 2010

In the midst of darkness, God is my beacon.

I have had an interesting span of a week, not excluding the range of emotions to boot. I've cried quite a bit in the last week, and learned that sometimes, the touch of a stranger comforting you when you cry, can mean more than a bouquet of lilies. God is directing me, and on my path I am experiencing some really rough patches. I'm coping as best I can, and I have a great support network around me. Saturday night at a Christmas musical, I had a bit of a breakdown. I thought I was done with it, but God had a different plan. During church on Sunday, I welcomed God into me and let it out. For the first time in a very long time, Worship brought me to my knees. Through my tears, gratitude trumped questioning. Someone told me to let God drive, and just trust Him. I don't trust easily, so putting my trust in something bigger than a human, is huge for me. Little by little, I am learning to trust God. I love having that constant in my life. I can't truly complain about my life. I am incredibly blessed. If this life is good, just wait til I get to that one with Him! A friend said to me on Sunday, "I'm glad we found you." I was almost speechless, but I found the words and replied, "I'm glad y'all found me too". My witnesses keep me accountable. Okay, that's all for tonight. Until next time, peace and love