Thursday, February 10, 2011

That's Just Geography.

Ok, so I have drafted like four blogs and still haven't felt like I should post them. A lot of stuff has happened, and continues to happen here in the hourglass of my life and it's been a WHIRLWIND. I guess the drafts just let me vent, go figure. I've had to make some tough decisions recently, and they are about set in motion. I've had to evaluate my finances and since I let someone walk all over them, and my life, I am having to consolidate, downgrade. Without this, I face bankruptcy. My Momma has been extra supportive and I am incredibly grateful. Basically for an upfront fee, I get to start all over. I'd rather break a lease, than get evicted. The same night I had to ponder these decisions, my life took the back burner. My family of the heart is experiencing some incredible trepidation right now. Because I respect their privacy, just as they, mine, all I will say is please pray for them. If you don't pray, fine, send positive vibes, warm energy, whatever, as long as it is positive. satan has shown them his strength, but God's display is bigger, just as He is. They didn't ask for the hell in which they are right now, but these lessons will make their family that much stronger. The Super Dad of 5 said it right, "God has seen worse, and He has a plan." That, He does.
This new year has definitely been what I set out for it to be. Change. Refresh. Cleanse. Though the circumstances are less than ideal, I get it. Purpose. I'm sure learning mine. It has been a humbling week, to say the least. And my humble pie is served lukewarm. I can't waste time being the old, defensive me. Yes, I want revenge, but at the same time, the Super Dad of 5 wins again with, "Pray for mercy." So this is a new one for me. In my case, mercy seems to be separation. That is, until I have to words to live mercy. Until then, Meg is being silent. Keep an eye on me, because this one is HUGE!

Until next time, peace and love

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Beautiful! What a great encouragement you are to me! We're going to have a fun FDN Monday. It's going to be all about love! ;)
