So after all of my picture burning, I finished my week, and, boy, it couldn't end fast enough. Got my new phone, but Thursday, I missed the bus, and Friday I plain overslept. Thursday got better because I had a great friend over for dinner. I thought I had lost her in the "divorce", but it was the exact opposite. We had a great evening and great conversation. We cleared the air, and everything is peachy again! Friday, was ugh. I even wore my slippers to work because I was so frazzled. Girls night was just the ticket. The lovely Paige and I went to Hamburger Mary's and Charlie's and we had a BLAST. I needed a night to let loose and she was happy to provide. I had not had such a great night out, literally, since she and I went to Tracks well over a year ago. I'm so glad that we are able to function platonically(LOL). Makes for a better relationship as a whole. I've missed spending time with her and I'm sick to know how she was treated when I wasn't looking. But, that's water under the bridge. Saturday I had a lead on a car, but it was sold right under me, while I was on my way. So we went to lunch, and then later went to D&B for some gaming. Mads and her BIFF, Kat, came back to my house and Mads cooked breakfast. YUM. I went to church, and I was invigorated by the spirit. A few tear ups, but I was in awe of the spirit. The topic was leaving a legacy. It really made me think about what kind of a legacy I will leave. I don't have any assets, so although I need a will for my final wishes, I have nothing really materialistic to leave. How do I want to be remembered? Do I want to be remembered for being spiteful and vengeful? Do I want to be remembered for being loving and compassionate? I'll take the latter. I've been working on that because I don't want to be that person that no one wants to be around because I am so mean. I will always be honest, do not be mistaken, but a little less brutal is always nice.
Momma², it's probably best if you stop here. Should you choose not to, I can't be held responsible for what I'm about to say. Don't say I didn't warn you.
As I said in a previous post, I wanted the mercy and compassion to flow through me when I spoke to my new "least of these". I wondered how I would make the love flow through. Who am I to judge? I don't agree with him, but who am I to judge? He is still my friend. If I were in the mental space in which he resides right now, the last thing I would need is my friends abandoning me. Do unto others, as you would have them to do unto you. So, I did just that. I know what mental darkness is. I used to reside there, receive my mail there, and quite frankly, it's ugly. I can't, in good faith, stand back and watch that happen to someone else. Again, I don't agree, but who am I to judge? He has brought a lot of my demons to light, inadvertently, and without that, I wouldn't be the person I am now. He's like a brother to me. because he brought me back to Christ. I looked him in the eye, and told him, "Do not be that phone call. Whatever you do, no matter how dark it gets, DO NOT GIVE UP. It's a cowardly way out, and I do not want that phone call." He stared at me and started to cry. He asked me, "Will I lose you?" I looked at him, and said, "It takes a lot more than a mistake to get rid of me. If God can love a wretch like me, why can't I show love to you?" It's true. I finished with this: "You are going to get through this. This mountain is going to be a difficult one to climb, but you will get to the other side. You'll reach the top and be ecstatic, because you made it through. After that, you'll run down the other side. There will be storms along the ascent, but you will come out of them. I'm a text away, and now even a BBM(BlackBerry Messenger) away. I respect your privacy, as well as theirs, and I am here for you. I promise. If anyone knows the darkness in your head right now, it's me. There are things I will take to the grave, but let me tell you, this darkness will go away. You just have to have faith. He brought you to it, and He will get you through it. DON'T GIVE UP. Love you, bro". I got a smirk from the BBM comment. He hugged me and I went on my way. It feels like the right thing to do. Show compassion. Pray for the weary, and love them for where they're at(as my Momma says).
Until next time, peace and love
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
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