Dear *****,
I have let you go. My hard drive is clean of your face. My home, clean of your photos. My mind, erased. My home, blessed and renewed. You have no power over me any longer. I have forgiven you. I have let go of any dream you ever allowed me to be a part of. I have let go of everything you have ever given me. I have let go of everything you took with you when you left, not excluding, my material possessions, my money, my sanity, my personality, and my life. But there is something that you don't know. You know how much you love country music? Do you know how much I love country music? People who don't like country think it's all about a "tear in my beer, and I'm crying for you dear", right? Well, Modern country is a little better than that. A girl that I would get along with goes by the name of Miranda Lambert. You don't like her very much because your best friend and your cousin have nicknames from one of her songs. But you see, she has this one song. This one song, that just gets me every single time. You know it, you know, the one that goes like
♫You better be careful what you do
I wouldn't wanna be in your shoes
if they ever found you out
you better be careful what you say
it never really added up any way
I got friends in this town
Hey white liar
The truth comes out a little at a time
and it spreads just like a fire
slips off of your tongue like turpentine
and I don't know why
white liar♫
Yeah that one! I love that one because she hits the nail on the head, that is if you were the nail. But you know, she has another line that just suits this even better!
♫Here's a bombshell just for you
turns out I've been lying too♫
But guess what? You'll never know my secret. You don't deserve that satisfaction. So guess what? I forgive you. I forgive you because you do not deserve to have power over me any longer. You no longer control my thoughts. You no longer control my dreams. You no longer control my mind. You no longer control decisions. You have no power. I wish you peace. I can't bring myself to wish you well, but I can wish you peace. I hope one day you can realize how evil you really are. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And now, you have gotten yours. I didn't have to lift a finger. Told you that karma was a bigger b*tch than I could ever be. Peace, love, and forgiveness.
Until next time, peace and love
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
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