Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sometimes, An All-Nighter is Just the Ticket.

Even though I am battling a migraine, and some serious congestion, last night, was perfect. Yesterday, I ended my workday and headed to Movement 5280 to see "And If Not", and to see what God is doing for this teen drop-in center. Let me tell you, He is all up in that place! Those teenagers, although not as fortunate as some, are blessed to have a place of refuge from the demons of life. Afterward, I accompanied my family of the heart home and the night was just beginning. After a great prayer time, and scripture, conversation ensued. The prestidigitator and I were craving junk food, so we made a run to the golden arches. We exposed my Momma² to the greatness(and crass) of Ricky Bobby and his "Baby Jesus". Laughter, love, and fellowship. The Magic Man left, and my Momma² and I talked for hours. When I say hours, I mean we talked until 4 in the morning. Life, love, loss, fear, faith, you name, it, we discussed it.
(aside)A lot of my doughnut experience included my Momma², because for the beginning of 2010, she was right there, listening, discussing, and witnessing. I learned a lot from that job, and gained great friends. I cannot stand silence, because I can hear the committees better, so getting to know my future Momma² was inevitable. I thought I'd be judged. Never happened. All I received was compassion, and love. I bared it all(figuratively, of course), and got none of the negative I expected.
(back to my original thought) It was a night my heart and soul desperately needed to get back on track. The past few months, when I found myself sobbing, 99% of those times, my Momma² was right there to hug me and comfort me. When everything became real in the fall, she held me and prayed. Last night, although there were tough subjects discussed, there weren't sobs. A few stray tears, but nothing extravagant. So. Worth. It. I needed some bonding time. Yesterday, as a whole, reminded me of being back in my youth group, before moving, before being told I was going to hell. I had our blessing stuck in my head, in both musical form, and the chant. At the end of every youth group, we'd chant it. At the end of every worship in which we performed, we sang it(a little differently). So for my Momma² and all those who cross my path:
May the Lord bless YOU
And keep YOU
May the Lord make His face shine upon YOU
And be gracious unto YOU
May the Lord lift up his countenance upon YOU
And give YOU peace
Now and forevermore. AMEN.

Until next time, peace and love

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

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