Okay, so Pastor Shawn dunked me instead. No big deal, I just wish I would have been informed before hand, instead of walking toward the water and finding out. So, with the buildup of energy, my heart was racing for the entire service, and continued racing even after. My bestie came, and although she isn't a believer, in anything, she was there because it meant something to me.That's all I could ask for. If she ever wanted to find God, then I would be right there with her. Until then I tell her about my great church family, and I emphasize that it is my truth that I live, and my truth is in alignment with God's now. Momma² didn't realize that I had included her in my testimony. That was until Pastor Shawn mentioned her name. The only person I could see was Karina(and Todd's shoulder) from the baptismal pool. I wholeheartedly believe that was not a coincidence. I could also see her reaction when her name was mentioned. It was necessary because without her, it would have been a longer chase. God definitely sent her to me for a reason, and I love Him for that. I was even shocked, because Pastor Shawn stopped and asked the congregation, "Are you a Karina? Who are you showing the way to?(or something along those lines). Thank you Karina." (watch the video for what he said) I was complimented on my writing abilities(*grin*) and even the person, whom is my "least of these", came up and hugged me and said congratulations. I feel clean. I feel pure. I feel renewed. Although this is a new day and a fresh start for me, I have my suspicions as to why there was a sudden cast change for my baptism. However, I shall keep it to myself until there is a confirmation either way. If it's what I think it was, I assure you, it didn't work! But, I digress. The love I felt after I came out of the bathroom, with soaked hair, was unbelievable. I know that it was not conditional upon my going up there, but it felt new, and fresh. Not necessarily different, but renewed. The great thing about it, is my Daddy wanted pics... he got a video thanks to my sister :) I am striving to find God in everything I do and experience. It's not always easy to see, but when I do, I feel overwhelmed by grace. To be able to witness each new day is an incredible blessing, and He taught me that a long time ago. He has given me my trials, and definitely my learning experiences, but He has always been by my side through it all. Those trials are what I assume hell must be like, and boy let me tell you, I'm glad I'm not going there! I have been saved from the flames. I pray that I never stray again, but should it happen, I know where, and to whom, I need to go to get back on that path.
I’m coming home
I’m coming home
tell the World I’m coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes
I’m coming home, I’m coming home
tell the World that I’m coming--"Coming Home" Diddy Dirty Money
Until next time, peace and love
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
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