I had a breakthrough today in church. While singing Chris Tomlin's Amazing Grace(which btw, I LOVE both the hymn and his contemporary version), my hands were lifted in praise. That, has never happened before. I've had the experiences before, but my hands never went into the air. Worship has brought me to my knees, but never to the magnitude as it did today. I fell to my knees at that alter, today, with gusto. My eyes pouring tears, I heard a voice saying to me, "My child, I am with you. Give it all to me and I will make you whole." I then heard a human voice say to me, "What can God do for you?" I replied, "I want to me made whole again. I have walked with Christ before but I have strayed." The voice asked, "So you walked away from Him?" to which I said, "I ran as fast as I could in the other direction". "He never left you. He has been chasing after you, and it seems He has caught up with you again. He'll never stop His pursuit of your heart." About this time, I felt hands laid upon me, an embrace from my left, my right hand grasped, and this voice spoke again, "Pray with me. Repeat after me." We prayed, and asked for God to come back into my heart, and make me whole once again. I was sobbing to the extent that I couldn't see. When I regained my sight, I looked up and saw Pastor Shawn above me, and my Momma², Karina to my right. To my left I saw the sweetest, most mature teenage girl I've ever met, Miss Letha, my sister of the heart. All I could do was smile between the sobs and express gratitude. The power of God's Grace through the touch of a hand is unspeakable. I have been redeemed by the Grace of God, and my slate has been wiped clean. Although it is a funny part in the movie, "Saved!" I feel this is an applicable quote: "I am FILLED with Christ's love!" and it's true. My story is written, although I don't know what is to come. I do know one thing, my number one on my bucket list, will be complete; be completely fulfilled.
♫ My chains are gone, I've been set free,
My God, my Savior has ransomed me,
and like a flood His mercy rains,
unending love, Amazing Grace ♫
Until next time, peace and love
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Meg, this is my first time reading your blog. I was skimming through the days before this one, and, I felt something I have never felt before. Please don't judge me for what I am about to say but, I have never really believed in God. I have never had any feeling about him being real. But as I read this, it literally brought tears to my eyes. I got the chills reading how you felt. Maybe one day something will happen and I can believe fully but reading your blog has made ne a little closer: )
ReplyDeleteHello, Kayla! I am the last person to judge anyone. I have strayed so much in my journey with God that if He were human, he would have long since given up on me. The God that I know, doesn't turn you away because you're broken, or even tainted. He seeks you, but waits for you to seek Him. God knows what is on your heart, and if you bring it to Him, and lay it at his feet, you are washed of it. Believe me, I understand how this may seem like hocus pocus. It sounds whimsical and "out there" but it's legit. I'm glad that my words could bring you just a bit closer, and if there is anything I can do, just let me know. Follow me on Twitter, add me to facebook, or just shoot me an email at m.k.young88@gmail.com. The link to add me on facebook is below, and my twitter handle is in my description. I'd love to talk more with you!