Monday, January 10, 2011

Some Days Are Just Meh, But Some Days, You Just Gotta Dance

Some days I feel like all I am is a status. It feels as if my existence(to some) is for mere status. I hope that I don't make anyone feel that way, but if I do, I am deeply sorry. I hope that one day, high school will end, although I received my diploma 4 years ago. I love my friends, don't misunderstand, but sometimes, love isn't enough. Just like with my last relationship.There's just some aspects of life where you must give all or nothing.
Anyway! I received great news on Friday! My probation period is ending in 4 days(4 months early)!!!!! I get offered all of my benefits by March 1st! I've finally gotten the hang of my job, and not only that, with my probation ending, I got a raise! God is blessing me with every step that I take and I am so grateful to Him. I had a great ending to 2010 and a much better beginning to 2011(as compared to the beginning of 2010 and the span of 2010). I feel better than I did, this time last year. I may have felt good at the time, but I was in a trance. I was not myself. I had the chance to have a good long chat with the bestie on NYE and I told her I was not myself last year. She agreed. I am not going to let myself fall into a trance like that again. I want to fall in love, but not into the trance. I found a part of myself that I am dedicated to changing. Two separate people told me that in 2010, I was submissive. Those two people know me best. I am anything but submissive, except to my Savior. I surrender all to Him. I didn't know myself then. I can't say I now myself now, but I know myself a heck of a lot better than I did.
On this very bitterly cold night, I am waxing blog-etic. I got a tattoo to commemorate the end of 2010 for a cause. I got a pink ribbon on my foot. My great aunt survived breast cancer. She had a double mastectomy. I don't like her all that much, but she is family, and I love her. She fought a battle I would never wish on any woman--and won. Half because of being more stubborn than a mule, and the other half? Pure faith in science. I've done the Race for the Cure in her honor. I have donated money to Susan G. Komen. I have purchased a "I <3 Boobies" bracelet. I sent lids from Yoplait yogurt. I had a debit card that donated $0.10 for every dollar I spent to SGK. And now, I have a tattoo, for her and all those that are committed to a cure. For those of you who don't know, this is very personal for me, too. I had a suspicious lump when I was 16. It turned out to be benign and let to a diagnosis of fibroids. I have to limit my caffeine, salt, and soy(3 of my favorite food-like items) in order to keep the fibroids at a minimum. That experience made me proactive. That experience made me become more in tune with my own body. I know when something is not right. I also know when something is delightfully right. Should breast cancer ever affect me, I will be prepared to fight it. I pray that it never does, but God has a different plan than any of us do. To quote the late, great John Lennon; "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans"
Okay, enough waxing. Until next time, peace and love.

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

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