So, I've been slacking on my blogging, and my psyche is telling me all about it. By the time I got to church this morning, I was so up in my head that God spoke to me in a way that I don't like to hear His voice. He informed me that although I knew why I was supposed to be there, that was not my reasoning for being there. In His stern, parental, voice, He told me to get my reasoning right, or go back home. I have been ebbing and flowing this week like none other, and instead of facing it, I've been quieting the voices in my head. I have reached the proverbial fork in the road, and as I told Momma² this morning, it feels more like a rake, with so many tines, that I can't seem to figure out which one I want.
I don't like getting angry. Yes, it feels good to release the frustration, but I turn into a monster. If you know me at all, that monster has a name. She is an ugly soul. I don't like when she takes over. I found her too many times in the last week. Rather, she has found me, and I have let her in. Once God told me to get out of my head, I realized that she had reared her ugly head, and with that, I had made extremely poor decisions.
So, when the choir was leaving the sanctuary, God moved my body to look at my phone. Momma² noticed I wasn't me, so she texted me and asked if she needed to come and sit with me. I have learned recently, when help is offered, you take it. So I told her, yes. It was just what the doctor ordered. I needed a good ol' Momma² hug.
I am running fast, away from something, instead of facing it head on. Problem is, I don't know what I'm running from. More to the point, I don't know which tine to face head on, first.
Until next time, peace and love
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
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