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--Dr. Maya Angelou.
I love this poem, because it enhances the idea that God made me for exactly who I am. Dr. Angelou is a big source of inspiration for me, because she is just as this poem describes. She has a connection with God, and it empowers her to be a feminist. This poem encourages me to be me, just how God wants me to be. With that being said, I must turn your attention to a blog that I read, Joe.My.God. I will promote his site, but not post the video that is embedded.
I posted the video on Twitter and Facebook a few days ago, through his blog. I refuse to give them the sharing credits from You Tube, and I have also reported the video to You Tube, to no avail. This video, shows what kind of bad publicity that us "bible thumpers" get. I don't care on which side of the isle you sit, how you believe, or how you practice. 99% of us can agree that this is not the kind of stuff we want our friends and families experiencing. America, meet your domestic terrorists.
These are NOT real Christians. They are debunking scripture, and quite honestly, if they keep growing, will bring the gullible people down with them. They are vultures, preying on people who are better than them, people who have a stronger relationship with God than them. They are the modern day Pharisees and it makes my stomach churn. I guess the feeling seems to be mutual, because I make theirs turn. Why? I believe in a LOVING God. I believe in a FORGIVING God. I am a GAY Christian. I SUPPORT our uniformed service members. I refuse to let them die in vain because this "church" might picket their funeral. And let me just say this; I will need Jesus if they show up at my church(again), at Denver Pridefest(again), or anything that pertains to my daily life. Jesus will help me remain the aforementioned Phenomenal Woman that I happen to be. Without Him, I will end up in jail. They talk big about God's wrath, and they will be the people that experience that wrath first hand.
To Fred Phelps and your army of minions:
I pray that God has mercy on your souls. Don't count on it.
*steps off of soapbox*
Until next time, peace and love
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
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