Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Letter To The Past.

I've been reflecting lately, and I have drafted a letter in my head. It is to bid farewell to the past. Don't assume you are in this. These are directed at memories in my head. I have told anyone and everyone how I feel about them, and this is not intended to be mean. It's my blog, and I am venting. again, don't assume, but if you must, then stop reading and just go back to your life. Here goes.

In my life, there are certain memories of that have since left my mind. When I dance in my underwear and sing into a plastic spork, I can't place something I did
with you. When I cook dinner in my underwear, I don't have a memory for you.
When I lie in bed at night, I can hear my neighbor, and not you grinding your
teeth and snoring simultaneously. I have a feng shui apartment, that doesn't have
any resemblance to how YOU arranged it--except that feces brown wall. Man, I
was a fool for you. Now, you're someone else's fool. You are dead to me. I was
shocked. I was sad. I mourned. Now, you are gone, and I am just fine with it. I
have let you walk all over me. I have let you steam roll me. I have let you control
me. I have let you assault me. I have let you batter me. I have let you love me. I
have let you hate me. All of these things that I have done, pale nothing in
comparison to the fact that you WANTED to do all of these things, and
succeeded. In this life, I will never doubt that you love me. But at the same time, I
don't know that you yet understand that love--still. So with that, instead of taking
a step back and realizing that maybe, just maybe this isn't how it's supposed to
go, you just go with it. I admire it, yet I hate it. You haven't "ruined my life" like a
teenager would say. You have given me indirect wisdom, that I will pass on. For
that, I am regrettably grateful. My life without you in it may seem the same, but it
is different. I am a much stronger, more driven, and more self-reliant than I ever
was with you around. Keep your distance, please, for I have no need for your
closeness any longer.

I feel better now XD  (colors in accordance with the Blogger rainbow)

Until next time, peace and love

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

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