Sunday, April 10, 2011

Do Whatcha' Say...

So, that phone call on Friday really threw me for a loop. It was good to hear from a friend, but it threw everything that was on kilter, off. I had to confess it all and it was weird, because even when God knows everything, just like an earthly parent, He wants to hear it from you. So I was metaphorically prostrate. This morning, I almost was. I got a text that shook my foundation yet again. Different person, and different circumstance but still, rocking was done. Today, was a trying day.
Yesterday, was quite blissful. I enjoyed sleeping without an alarm to interrupt. I enjoyed celebrating the life of my FAVE 6 year old. I got to drive a SICK 'Stang. I had a great conversation with Amber that I am eager to continue. I got all but one load of laundry done. I ate DELICIOUS sushi. I rocked at pool. I slept another night without an alarm, yet still was up in time for church. Great Saturday.
Sunday, well it started well. God didn't let me stay in my fantasy world, a.k.a. "All up in my head". No sir, the tears began in the 2nd song. I was having a sob fest, praying for my friend, and praying for a soul that I pray gets direction. It's easy to talk the talk, but are you actually walking with Him? The theme today was giving it all to Him. As in literally, nailing it to the cross to go with God. So I made a list and nailed it to the cross. I pray that the list becomes less of a weight on my shoulders because it's what's keeping me from drawing nearer to Christ.
I was almost prostrate, physically, at church because I was letting it all go. After letting it all go, and I was a mess (you should have seen the mascara playground on my face), the two ladies sitting next to me asked if they could pray with me. Deb and Dorothy. They prayed for me, indirectly due to my privacy, as my tears fell and my nose ran. I needed to feel His mercy through complete strangers.
When I got downstairs to Momma², worry took her face when she saw my tear soaked face and blood shot eyes. I told her what was on my heart. As my eyes regained their whites, my phone rang. Lana was calling to tell me of her despair. We are working to get something figured out for her.
My house is much cleaner. All of my clothes are clean. My stove has been thoroughly deep cleaned. Grievances nailed to the cross. Accomplished. Finally.
Challenge: Make an extra effort to further your faith everyday. I'm going to be, will you? Now if I could just remember to take home my butter braids...

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