Solid as a rock. Let that foundation shake! Keep that faith in tact, and you'll go far!
I am repeating that in my head right now. I haven't had the words to blog lately, and now I do. It's not an angry blog, but it's definitely a humdinger.
I received a text tonight informing me that I would be getting a phone call, one that I never anticipated, nor expected. It was intended to be light hearted, and informative, but I cried the whole time. My "least of these" and I had a 15 minute conversation that made everything real on my end. Taking myself out of the situation and just talking to him, I realized reality and it shook my foundation. I heard that tone I had heard during our last heart to heart, and it scared me. It is still scaring me. I'm praying that my gut instinct is wrong on this one. He is not well. With that being said, I need all of my readers to pray/send good energy/bless/insert action here for/to my friend. He flipped his life upside down, and I want for my friend to overcome this, and not succumb to this. As Momma² says, prayer cover engage! I am grateful for all y'all and I am giving you good energy and prayer in return!
Until next time, peace and love
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
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