Since the last time we met, I donated my hair, and DESPISED the cut I received. So, I got it fixed(courtesy of my sister), and I LOVE it. It's edgy, professional, and my age. I had bouffant hair to begin with. I've had some ups and downs, specifically in the financial realm. Hopefully I balance out soon. I digress.
So, I have been deep in prayer for the past 8-9 weeks in regard to my faith appetite. I was spiritually healthy, but even on a balanced diet, you still need something sweet. Whether that be fruit, or a little chocolate here or there, it releases the endorphins you need to keep your health. My sweet tooth has not been satisfied. So what's a girl to do? Go to God and lay it at his feet. I gave it to him and he slowly showed me a direction to some sweet goodness. It took some time though, because my next prayer was for courage to satisfy that sweet tooth.
**sidebar** Sweets=welcoming congregation
My diet was balanced, and I was getting my fill. I was learning and growing, but I had a weight on my shoulders because I couldn't be me. The denomination does not accept homosexuality. If I had a nickel for every time I heard that I could "pray the gay away", I would not have any financial woes. I have prayed till I was blue in the face for God to make me "normal" or "straight". He didn't change me in that arena. He answered my prayer in a way that I wasn't expecting. I could feel His arms around me as directed me to Genesis 1:27; So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.(NLT). So, I took that as God didn't make a mistake, and this isn't a curse. I was made this way for a reason. Now my goal was to find more people like me. People who have spoken with God and learned that we are "born this way"(Thank you Lady Gaga). I found a list of churches across Colorado that were either "reconciling congregations" or "welcoming congregations", but I found one that just lit up my rainbow heart. Metro Community Church of the Rockies. They're neither of the aforementioned groups. They are primarily a gay congregation. *double take* Chyeah! So I made the decision, after sleeping through my alarm last week for church, that today, Sunday, I would try MCCR. I tried to figure out the words to tell Momma²... I couldn't muster either the courage or the words to tell her. So after I got out of church, and so did my family of the heart, I met them at Chipotle to break the news. Don't get me wrong, I love worshiping with my family of the heart, but I was sure glad they understood when I told them I felt spiritually satisfied after attending MCCR. And let me tell you, once you've had your Thanksgiving style spiritual meal, you feel refreshed--as well as armed when you need strength. Let's just say an encounter happened with one of my "least of these" today. I kept my cool, and never even acknowledged this person's presence--outwardly anyway. It was easy! My heart didn't race. My nails weren't digging into my palms. My toes weren't curling in rage. I merely directed my attention to something else and went about my day. *whew!*
I feel better now, and I feel stronger. As long as I keep with it, I'll be back in shape in no time!
Until next time, peace and love
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
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