Thursday, December 9, 2010

I'll be wearing white, when I come into Your kingdom...

Hokay so:
I am back on an ebb and flow I can deal with. I dropped my phone in the toilet night before last. I have a backup phone, but couldn't find the charger to save my life. I have to wait for Christmas(at least) to get it replaced, because of the $100 deductible on my phone insurance. Anyway...

So I have a date on Sunday evening. She's a Christian and even if it doesn't end up being a relationship, I will have definitely gained a friend in Christ. I don't know what that means, other than maybe I can move on. If nothing else, someone to divert my attention. My heart is full of evil thoughts and wishes, and I so don't want that. God and I have been working on some ways to slowly release the evil without unleashing it. I'm fighting satan in a big way. But my God is bigger than satan. With His help, I, too, will be bigger than satan. She's a Christian and even if it doesn't end up being a relationship, I will have definitely gained a friend in Christ.

Okay I think that about sums it up. Until next time, peace and love

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